Thursday, June 10, 2010

From 2 hours to 7 hours

So thanks to a lovely, random thunderstorm last night around 5 (which lasted for about 15 mins) a tree in the neighborhood fell and took a power pole and power lines down with it! This seems to be a trend. With all of the beautiful old oaks around here, we never have a shortage of branches and trees knocked down all over the place whenever a storm comes. CPW man said that the power would be back on at 7, then 9, then 11. Frustrating!

It took all I had to entertain a 6 and 3 year old. I guess I never thought before how much we rely on electricity (cliche as it is to realize you never knew how great something was until its gone) and how much it entertains the kids. Whether its the television, computer games, guitar hero, etc, etc. We finally all ended up on the front porch because it was cooler outside than in. The boys had a lot of fun chasing fireflies and putting them in their bug catcher. Once again, fireflies are amazing, as I've stated before. They were the entertainment for a good while until it was too dark to see much of anything besides the lightning bugs.

We talked and laughed by candlelight until finally everyone was ready for bed. We made a bed on the living room floor so the boys could stay in there with us and before long they were fast asleep. It was nice having a little bit of a break from all the distractions that keep us so busy during the day. Also very glad to have the power back on too.

 Chloe was clearly very unconcerned about all of this.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That's too cute. It's amazing how much "family" time we miss out on because of all the electronic distractions that we have.

Glad your power is back on! I am asking for some prayers for a very special little girl I know. Please come by my blog and join me praying for a miracle!

Have a great Thursday -